Board Members

Sandy Williams
Board Vice President
Sandy Williams serves on the Board team as Board Vice-President.
Sandy graduated from Regis University, Denver, with a Bachelor of Science degree with an emphasis in Business Management. She is also a certified Project Management Professional through Project Management Institute. She serves God by serving her family, friends and serving elsewhere as God leads her. She believes that we are put on this planet for a purpose, His purpose, and when we are about His business we can be happy and in peace, no matter the conditions or controversies in our lives. Sandy has a heart for Women’s Ministry and for serving God! She is a wife of 48 years with two beautiful daughters, and four fantastic grandchildren. She lives with her husband and they attend church in Lubbock Texas. She is a retired software development project manager. She is the founding President for PMI (Project Management Institute) West Texas Chapter. Her God story is that she was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) in 2013. Since that time she has refused to let this disease take over her life. With God’s help, she is making a difference by serving in educational and charitable efforts.
As Christians, we believe that the most loving thing we can do is share who Jesus is with an unbeliever.
Evangelizing helps us also grow in our faith and in Christ.

Thank you Board Members!
“Sometimes God redeems your story by surrounding you
with people who need to hear your past, so it doesn’t
become their future.” – Jon Acuff