John 8:12

Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”

Hello, Altered Stories Family,

We once again are coming to the end of the year. While for some, this year has been the best ever, for others it has been anything but.

Truthfully, for my family and myself, this has not been the best year for a number of reasons. However, I believe that this is the best time to reflect, and ask yourself, where you are spiritually, mentally, and in other important areas.

I know people talk about making New Year resolutions, but maybe that’s not the best way to go about this. What if instead, you took some time to pray, and ask God what his goals are for you instead?  Because believe it or not, we serve a God who cares about even the smallest details of our lives. He has numbered even the hairs on our head. Matthew 10:26-31. The Bible also says that he collects even our tears in a bottle, Psalm 56:8.

So, friend, I challenge you to take your year to the Lord, lay it before him, and ask him what he would have you do.

And if you are reading this and you are not a believer, I think one of the best ways to start your new year off is to get to know the one who died for you in a personal relationship.

You see, becoming one of God’s kids is as simple as A B C.

You admit that you are a Sinner in need of God’s forgiveness, and that you cannot earn Heaven on your own merit.

Believe that Jesus is who he says he is, the Son of God and son of man, and that he came to live the life you and I could never life, fully perfect in every way, and he died on the cross to pay the debt that you and I owe to an almighty God.

Confess that you need Jesus in your life, and that you accept him as Savior and Lord of your life.

If you do this, the Bible says that you are now a citizen of Heaven, a child of God. In other words, you are now a Christian.

We at Altered Stories Ministry would love to hear of your newfound relationship, and to encourage you in that relationship. Please reach out to us, if you have come to Christ.

Until next I write,

Happy New Year and God Bless You,



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