Episode 101
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In my first Episode of Season 2, I interview special guest, Gina Rolkowski. Gina is wife, mom of an adult daughter and a Coach for Christian women who are healing from childhood trauma drawing from her 19 years of recovery. She is also a writer and the Creator of The Bridge of Breakthrough program and a writer for Authority Magazine, Christian Women Living Magazine, Thrive Global and Newsbreak. In our authentic conversation, Gina shares her inspiring “The Power of God’s Unconditional Love” God Story that includes her painful years of sexual abuse as a child and the negative impacts that her abuse had on her that resulted in her drug addiction and suicide attempts. She also shares how God transformed her life after she became a Christian and discovering his unconditional love. In closing, she shares ministering and encouraging words to other victims who are in need of hope and healing

In This Episode:
- Gina is a wife, mom of an adult daughter, and a Coach for Christian women who are healing from childhood trauma drawing from her 19 years of recovery.
- As women, we often think we are the only ones suffering and facing challenges.
- Sharing our stories is an opportunity to give others empathy, encouragement, and empowerment so they can rise above and realize they are not alone.
- Gina’s coaching program, The Bridge of Breakthrough is based on five keys and is brain-based, research-based, and Biblically based.
- Gina shares her “The Power of God’s Unconditional Love” God Story.
- Her story started as a child growing up in a home where she was sexually abused. She ended up at fourteen having seizures and had them for 20 years until she had brain surgery to help with the seizures.
- When her mother ended up getting very sick with cancer she felt very overwhelmed and hopeless and tried to kill herself. She ended up being diagnosed with PTSD and went to inpatient treatment.
- She really struggled and lost her teaching job. Finally, a few years later she started having flashbacks to her abuse as a child.
- She spent many years getting to know God better. She believes that he took everything away until she had nowhere else to go but to God. She was in really good trauma-informed therapy. A big shift happened for her during that time.
- When you spend time with God and make it very personal it will make such a difference in your life. She realized that she didn’t need to chase her worth outside of herself.
- It is her passion to help women that are dealing with shame go from knowing God to experiencing life with him.
- We have to keep our minds on things above and not below. We need to keep our eyes on eternity.
- If you feel like you have this unconditional love and you can experience that from God then it makes it a lot easier to relate to yourself.
- Every miracle starts out as a big mess.
- You don’t have to suffer. You can get help and healing through God and the Holy Spirit.
- “We have to keep our minds on things above and not below. We need to keep our eyes on eternity.” – Gina Rolkowski
- “If you feel like you have this unconditional love and you can experience that from God then it makes it a lot easier to relate to yourself.” – Gina Rolkowski
- “Every miracle starts out as a big mess.” – Gina Rolkowski