John 8:12

Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”

Episode 104

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In Episode 104, I feature special guest, Lori Ann Wood.  Lori Ann is an Empty Nester that lives in beautiful Bentonville, Arkansas with her husband.  She is a Mom and a Grandma, too.  She serves as the Founding leader of the Parenting Education Ministry at the Church of Christ in Bentonville and is the author of a new book Divine Detour.  In our authentic conversation, Lori Ann shares her “Divine Detour” God story of her heart failure health setbacks and her medical miracle story and how God carried her through the unknowns in her life.  She also shares encouraging words to those who may be struggling in their faith due to their circumstances and also shares how to hold grief in gratitude.

In This Episode:


  • Lori Ann serves as the founding leader of the Parenting Education Ministry at the Church of Christ in Bentonville and is the author of a new book Divine Detour.
  • As women when we go through these transformational stories it can help address and bring up other people’s questions that otherwise get buried or ignored. 
  • Lori shares her “Divine Detour” God Story. 
  • Her story began 7 years ago when she really didn’t feel 100%. She pushed it down because it was the holidays. After Thanksgiving when she went to the doctor and had an x-ray, they found that she had an enlarged heart and heart failure. 
  • Three years ago her heart function dropped and she found herself in active heart failure again. Her life was a roller coaster health-wise and her faith was all over the place.
  • Heart disease is the number one killer all over the globe.
  • God doesn’t usually explain closed doors to us and our job is to trust that closed door is for our protection, our redirection, or his affection for us. Sometimes those closed doors can be more gracious than open doors.
  • Those periods of time when we are forced to pull back and examine our life is when he can get in there and start to form that relationship with us that we maybe didn’t have room in our lives before to form.
  • In that detour, there might be something for you that you wouldn’t have had on that main road that we planned for ourselves. 
  • Sometimes God has something more for us than this predictable life that we had hoped we would have. 
  • When you do get on that detour keep asking those questions of God. That is your lifeline to God during those times when you are really confused and feel really alienated.
  • Sometimes we think of prayer as a way to change our circumstances or we try to pray away those parts of our lives we maybe wish were different but maybe we need to think about it as a way to cling to God and gain that relationship with him that we will never lose.



Lori Ann’s Website

Lori Ann on Instagram

Lori Ann on Facebook

Divine Detour

When You Can’t Talk to God: 5 Prayers & Promises You Can Lean On

Hebrews 11:13



  • “God doesn’t usually explain closed doors to us and our job is to trust that closed door is for our protection, our redirection, or his affection for us. Sometimes those closed doors can be more gracious than open doors.” – Lori Ann Wood
  • “Those periods of time when we are forced to pull back and examine our life that is when he can get in there and start to form that relationship with us that we maybe didn’t have room in our lives before to form.”  – Lori Ann Wood
  • “Sometimes God has something more for us than this predictable life that we had hoped we would have.”    – Lori Ann Wood
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