Episode 108
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In this Episode, I feature special guest, Penny Cooke, who shares her “Pursuing Prayer” God Story. Penny is a Certified Biblical Life Coach, Bible teacher, Author of “Pursuing Prayer”, Co-Host of the Seeds of Hope Podcast, women’s ministry lover and is a avid prayer warrior. She is also a wife, has 3 grown children and 7 grandchildren. In our authentic conversation, Penny shares her inspiring God story of how she pursued prayer steadfastly and fervently during a rough time in her marriage and during her son’s 13 year addiction, and how she saw God’s power work in answering her prayers. She also shares practical tips that others need to incorporate prayer in their busy lives. In closing, she shares life giving scripture and encourages others to pursue prayer and rise up to pray more.

In This Episode:
- Penny is a Certified Biblical Life Coach, Bible teacher, Author of “Pursuing Prayer”, Co-Host of the Seeds of Hope Podcast, women’s ministry lover, and is an avid prayer warrior.
- She has a heart for discipleship to help women grow in their faith and grow in their walk with the Lord.
- It builds our faith to hear how God worked in someone else’s life and their situation that might be similar. When we hear that from someone else, it encourages us.
- Penny shares her “Pursuing Prayer” God story.
- God can work in every situation.
- When you do love him and you are looking for his purposes you know that it is all going to work together for good.
- Prayer works but sometimes we need to keep praying. You will reap if you don’t lose heart.
- If ever we need to pray, we need to pray now.
- We need to be surrounded by others that will pray for us and with us. It is so important to be part of the body of Christ.
- After some trying times her son is now a pastor in Australia.
- Keep praying. As long as you are praying God is at work.
- We need to prioritize prayer and model that for our children.
- “It builds our faith to hear how God worked in someone else’s life and their situation that might be similar.” – Penny Cooke
- “God can work in every situation.” – Penny Cooke
- “When you do love him and you are looking for his purposes you know that it is all going to work together for good.” – Penny Cooke