John 8:12

Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”

Hello, Altered Stories Family,

This month is the anniversary of the Dobbs decision or when the Supreme Court sent Roe vs. Wade back to the states to decide.

However, setting the politics aside, I want to examine what it means to be Pro Life.

You see, the conversation of abortion can sometimes become sanitized, so as not to offend people. However, I believe, in this case, we need to confront what it is. It is my opinion that abortion is not, getting rid of tissue or a case of reproductive rights, but it is killing of an unborn child and in some of the most gruesome ways possible.

To share my story, I was confronted with this choice when I had my child. They could not find her heartbeat, so they sent me to a high-risk OB. When he walked in the room, the first words out of his mouth, were “are you sure you don’t want to terminate this pregnancy?”

These words were spoken so casually, like I was dealing with a malignant growth and not a living breathing growing human being inside of me.

My answer was “I don’t believe in committing murder.” And my husband, Mike, answered in agreement.

To end the story, I was on bed rest for the last 6 weeks of the pregnancy and my daughter Mandy was born that January.

As legal decisions regarding abortion are no longer a federal issue and now is decided by each state, I want to speak to the mothers who may be considering having an abortion. Please understand I have no judgement for you, or your situation. I do, however, believe that deciding to end the life of an unborn child through an abortion is wrong. It is a crime against humanity and is sin against God.  I pray that if you are considering it, that you understand that that there are other options for your situation. There is help out there. There are many places where you can get help with adoption or can provide you with the support needed to help raise your baby.

In conclusion, the Lord put the choice rather bluntly, “I present to you the choice between life and death, choose life.” Deuteronomy 30:19. Our God is a God of the living, not of death. To be prolife is not a stigma and is not just a flashy word. Prolife is to be pro truth.

I hope that if you are reading this, you will make the choice to choose life.

God bless,


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